This is an update of a comic I did in the early 2000s for Comics Buyer’s Guide. Back then rare comics (like Action Comics #1) were “cheap.” You could’ve gotten one for a few hundred thousand dollars!
Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “Girl Meets Boy!” in First Kiss #11, Nov. 1959. Published by Charlton.
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Take the hint buddy , She’s just not into you LOL .
But the chauffeur will be into her?
He will when he gets his fly unzipped!
You just know she isn’t wearing sensible shoes.
Dude! Think outside the box. She looks fun-sized enough to just carry her home.
Yeah, and some Bitcoin billionaire payed $6.2 million at an art show auction for a banana duct taped to a wall. The artist said his work was a joke and never expected anyone to bid on it. Then the buyer proceeded to eat his $6.2 million dollar banana.