Many thanks to Ron Evry and Bruce Simon for permission to use art from their fine collection of J.R. Williams’ western comics: Hoo-Hah! Out Our Way – Smokey’s Saga.
Original Art:
SCENE: Cowboy and his horse. The Cowboy is sitting on the ground and talking to his horse.
COWBOY: Rosey ol’ girl, ya can’t be jealous! The new school marm’s only got two legs! And, even if we go out, she probably won’t let me ride her!
Hoo-Hah! Out Our Way – Smokey’s Saga
↓ Transcript
SCENE: Cowboy and his horse. The Cowboy is sitting on the ground and talking to his horse.
COWBOY: Rosey ol’ girl, ya can’t be jealous! The new school marm’s only got two legs! And, even if we go out, she probably won’t let me ride her!
Hoo-Hah! Out Our Way - Smokey's Saga
COWBOY: Rosey ol’ girl, ya can’t be jealous! The new school marm’s only got two legs! And, even if we go out, she probably won’t let me ride her!
Hoo-Hah! Out Our Way - Smokey's Saga
Very good toon John. I think this is one of my favorite rewrites you’ve done.
Thanks very much, jams. I really appreciate that. This one was a lot of fun for me. When I started writing it, I had no idea what the punchline was going to be. It just sort of popped into my head at the end.
I’ve written a couple more comics using J.R. Williams art. But I probably won’t be running them until after Halloween. (Those, alas, won’t be quite as spicy as this one.)
In the coming months, I’m hoping to write some more comics using Williams art.
Can’t resist…
Hey Baldy! Why the long face?
Alright, since nobody’s done it yet, I’m going to go with the obvious.
“and, even if we did go out, she probably won’t let me ride her”…
at least not without paying her first.
unless I also agree to pick up after her.
unless I agree to not try to make her drink.
unless I swear I won’t take her to an Amish mechanic.
That’s all I got.
P.S. That last one’s kind of obscure, I know.
Thanks, PKM. My favorite is the first one “at least now without paying her first.” And, yes, I’m scratching my head at the “Amish mechanic” line.
Hey John, sorry it took me so long to respond. I’ve been really busy lately. Anyway, the last one refers to an old Robin Williams joke. He asked what do you call an Amish man with his arm stuck up a horse’s a@@?
Have a good weekend