A new Last Kiss by Tony Isabella & Allen Freeman!
Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani from the story “Good Ole Joe” in First Kiss #1, Dec. 1957. Published by Charlton. Story begins on Page 28.
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↓ Transcript
SCENE: A hotel bellman in the foreground. In the background a man is walking away from us. There are palm trees in the caption space.
CAPTION: Was Chief Bellman Hedrick checking out his boss’s shapely derriere? Did he suspect it was artificial?
CAPTION: Why was the concierge silent about finding Lady Butterworth-Flamingo’s body in her room...
CAPTION: Clutching a vintage copy of a Wendy the Good Little Witch comic book?
CAPTION: Was that lobby plant whispering “Feed Me”? CAPTION: Don’t look at me for those answers.
CAPTION: I’m making this up as I go along.
CAPTION: Was Chief Bellman Hedrick checking out his boss’s shapely derriere? Did he suspect it was artificial?
CAPTION: Why was the concierge silent about finding Lady Butterworth-Flamingo’s body in her room...
CAPTION: Clutching a vintage copy of a Wendy the Good Little Witch comic book?
CAPTION: Was that lobby plant whispering “Feed Me”? CAPTION: Don’t look at me for those answers.
CAPTION: I’m making this up as I go along.
“Looking for someone, Joe?”…
…”Yes. Cam. Duh. Can you not read the narrative box?”
…”Yes. Waldo. He’s out there. Probably stalking his next one as we speak. I have to stop him. I can’t let him kill again. But why can’t I find him? Where’s Waldo? Where? Where? Where?!?”
…”Yes. George Lucas. I want to kick his ass for selling Star Wars to Disney.”
…”Yes. Whoever greenlit “Velma”. I want to kick their ass even more than I want to kick George Lucas’.”
…”Yes. The man of my dreams! He’s got to like cosplaying as a bellhop, and squint like Chris Pratt with constipation.”
…”Not at the moment. I’m much too busy adjusting myself in the middle of this crowded hotel lobby.”
…”No. But if I see Someone, I’ll let them know you were thinking of them.”
…”Actually, I’m touching for someone. But everyone around me is keeping a distance.”
I had a nice room…and then I had a nice blonde.
Congrats on beating COVID John. Sorry I didn’t wish you well before. Long week.
Happy Friday.