As you can see in the original art (below) this woman is having one of those dreaded Big City Headaches! Eventually she moved to the country (which country I can’t say) and lives in a barn where she gave birth to three children. None of whom have any manners because…well, they were raised in a barn.
Original Vintage Art & Text
Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “To Find My Love” in First Kiss #16, Sept. 1960. Charlton. The story begins on Page 3.
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↓ Transcript
SCENE: Upset woman has her eyes closed and has one hand pressed up against her forehead in anguish. There are circles of light around her.
WOMAN: I need a time machine! And I need it…yesterday!
1960 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Allen Freeman
©2012 Last Kiss Inc
WOMAN: I need a time machine! And I need it…yesterday!
1960 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Allen Freeman
©2012 Last Kiss Inc
Is it true that Stephen Hawking (aka “Stevie Hawks”) threw a part for time travelers and sent out invitations the next day?
No one showed.
So I’m guessing they didn’t RSVP either? Gads. Even in the future people are rude!
Or, stay with me now: time travel isn’t possible?
(Or Stevie Hawks isn’t as smart as he thought and sent the invitations to the wrong people)
Sorry Rex but I showed up… three days from now. It was a really boring party, everybody tried to talk about current events… it did not go well.
Try and wrap your head around, “All You Zombies”, by Heinlein.
Dave!! You fool! It’s a song!!
Who reads books, anyway, NERD?!?!
(Sorry, Dave, you just reminded me of the song and I thought it would be funny to internet overreact)
I read that story long ago. I doubt I understood much of it, but I was intrigued by the time travel back-and-forth.