More Last Kiss fun from Tony Isabella & Diego Jourdan Pereira!
Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Jack Keller from the story “Nationals, Part One: Building the Rod” in Teenage Hotrodders #6, Feb. 1964. Published by Charlton.
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↓ Transcript
LEFT GUY: Today’s football players are weak! Safety helmets and concussion protocols and penalties for not being sissies!
LEFT GUY: We were real men back in my day.
RIGHT GUY: Counterpoint. I still have my teeth and…
RIGHT GUY: ...I can count to ten without stopping.
MIDDLE GUY (thought): This again? Neither of them…
MIDDLE GUY (thought) ...ever got past rec league.
LEFT GUY: Today’s football players are weak! Safety helmets and concussion protocols and penalties for not being sissies!
LEFT GUY: We were real men back in my day.
RIGHT GUY: Counterpoint. I still have my teeth and…
RIGHT GUY: ...I can count to ten without stopping.
MIDDLE GUY (thought): This again? Neither of them…
MIDDLE GUY (thought) ...ever got past rec league.
I thought you just happened to me at a red light and rev’ed your engine and then go go go.
What the guy in the middle of the last panel if probably thinking…
“Boy, these guys take their dildos seriously.”
“How come I’m the only one here who actually looks like a teenager?”
“Well at least all the infighting makes all my embezzlement easier.”
“Why do I keep hearing that music from the Star Trek episode where Kirk and Spock fight over that Vulcan chick?”
“Let’s see how this plays out. I’ve always wondered how a pissing contest between Gomer Pyle and Barney Fife would go down.”
“Michael Bolton was right. How can we be lovers if we can’t be friends?”
“I wonder when I should tell them the “dragster competition” is actually RuPaul’s new reality show?”
Gomer and Barney together at last. I didn’t care that much for either show, but I’d watch that!
You CAN watch that–try and find the episode of the Andy Griffith Show where Gomer does a Citizen’s Arrest on Barney–Classic comedy!
Thanks, John. I’ll try to find that.
Gomer and Barney competing in RuPaul’s Drag Race? Why did my mind go there? It’s time for me to go to sleep….
Both discussions would bore me to tears.
I will say that a while ago there was a thing going around about how old school baseball pitchers never had blah blah blah by people who maybe made their high school team. Hey, maybe they want to be able to pick up a spoon when they’re in their late 20’s?
I forgot to make my prediction!! I swear, I had this before the game!
The team with the most points at the end of the 4th quarter will be declared the winner.
If each team has the same amount of points, for some reason they’ll keep playing instead of just shaking hands and going on with their lives.
How’d I do? Guys, for really reals, this is what I predicted before the game.
Did I mention that the team with the most points will, for some reason, be declared the “World Champion”? Despite the fact the only other country with a professional league isn’t allowed to compete?