Today’s comic was my tribute to my good friend Gene Ambaum’s web comic, Library Comic—a must read for librarians and those who love ’em:
Original Vintage Art & Text

Original art by Vince Colletta Studio in First Kiss #16, 1960. Click link to read the entire vintage comic book for free.
SCENE: Woman talking to a man.
WOMAN: Hello,
Mr. Handsome librarian. I’m curious about sex! Can you recommend a book? Or…maybe you know someone who’s had sex. Perhaps they can help me!
CAPTION: Ed & Mae’s first night of Sexy Librarian Role Playing is a novel success!
Art: Vince Colletta Studio Restoration: Diego Jourdan Pereira Dialogue: John Lustig
↓ Transcript
SCENE: Woman talking to a man.
WOMAN: Hello,
Mr. Handsome librarian. I’m curious about sex! Can you recommend a book? Or...maybe you know someone who’s had sex. Perhaps they can help me!
CAPTION: Ed & Mae’s first night of Sexy Librarian Role Playing is a novel success!
Art: Vince Colletta Studio Restoration: Diego Jourdan Pereira Dialogue: John Lustig
WOMAN: Hello,
Mr. Handsome librarian. I’m curious about sex! Can you recommend a book? Or...maybe you know someone who’s had sex. Perhaps they can help me!
CAPTION: Ed & Mae’s first night of Sexy Librarian Role Playing is a novel success!
Art: Vince Colletta Studio Restoration: Diego Jourdan Pereira Dialogue: John Lustig
“Yet, when I see Rod, I…I become confused…
…Oh wait. I said “confused” and I meant “horny”. I always get those two mixed up.”
…It’s like when the traffic light flashes red. And my car goes Vroom! Stop! Vroom! Stop! Vroom! Stop! Allllll through the intersection.”
…Mostly because I don’t know if Rod is his actual name or a highly suggestive nickname. Because if it is a nickname, I’d be on him like white on rice.”
…It’s so much easier to understand Neuroparasitology than the workings of my own, elusive heart. Less icky too.”
…It’s like my love life is the plot line from the movie Inception! Except with much worse actors!”
She definitely likes Big Rod.
“…give me time to finish my novel.”
She’s dodged a bullet there.
I offer Patrick Rothfuss and his third Kingkiller book – Doors of Stone. “Finished”, for at least 10 years. He gets very testy when asked about release date.