More Last Kiss fun from Tony Isabella & Diego Jourdan Pereira!
Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Matt Baker (and possibly inked by John Forte) from the Tiger Girl story in Fight Comics #50, June 1957. Published by Fiction House.
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LAST KISS DJP.LK759_fight_lores
MAN: Way back in the Golden Age of Comics…
MAN: ...we didn’t go for the sexy stuff!
MAN: Before every manly fight, the artists would take…
MAN: xacto knife and white-out to my nipples.
MAN: We didn’t want to distract our young readers…
MAN: ...from the kicking and the punching!
1957 Art: Matt Baker New Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Writer: Tony Isabella
MAN: Way back in the Golden Age of Comics…
MAN: ...we didn’t go for the sexy stuff!
MAN: Before every manly fight, the artists would take…
MAN: xacto knife and white-out to my nipples.
MAN: We didn’t want to distract our young readers…
MAN: ...from the kicking and the punching!
1957 Art: Matt Baker New Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Writer: Tony Isabella
“Kolu free warthog” is about as likely as “cholesterol free beef”.
Somebody get this goat’s blood off me!!
And get some fresh goat’s blood on me!! And more of it, this time!! You slackers!!
Actually, they just wanted to take away the possibility of any ‘purple nurples’ in the fights.