This is one of those rare times that I’ve pulled art from two different vintage comic panels to create a new version of Last Kiss art. In this case, they’re from the same 1951 story. See the art below.
Original Vintage Art & Text

Artist unknown. From the story “Censored” in All True Romance #2, March 1951. Published by Comic Media. The story begins on Page 26.

Artist unknown. From the story “Censored” in All True Romance #2, March 1951. Published by Comic Media. The story begins on Page 26.
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↓ Transcript
SCENE: A woman talks in the foreground. In the background, a man reacts with alarm.
WOMAN: Some men are like bad eggs! They should never get laid!
1951 Artist Unknown Re-construction Diego Jourdan Pereira
Rooster in Charge: John Lustig
WOMAN: Some men are like bad eggs! They should never get laid!
1951 Artist Unknown Re-construction Diego Jourdan Pereira
Rooster in Charge: John Lustig
Maggie: I’m Late.
Danny: Late for what?
Maggie: Late for not being pregnant!
Might have to watch Caddyshack today since we’re snowed in.
I should probably stand up for the Guy Code, and I’ll probably get my Man Card pulled for this, but…..
Yeah, she’s right.
Not laid? Hmm…
I know lots of guys who certainly shouldn’t be responsible for the care and feeding of children or pets. Well, really, shouldn’t ever marry.
Yeah, I was also gonna say something about men who surely shouldn’t be allowed to procreate. Regardless of their ability to care for children. But nowadays that would open up a huge can of worms.
Which I guess I just did anyway.