I should point out that THE LEAGUE OF BALDING, MIDDLE-AGED GUYS IN SKIN-TIGHT SUITS would make a swell movie. I’m waiting for offers from Hollywood right now. Still waiting.
↓ Transcript
CAPTION (voice over by woman--main character): “My hubby bought me Marvey Comics as a wedding present! At last I could have my revenge! I immediately announced that we were publishing a new comic book: The League of Balding, Middle-Aged Guys in Skin-Tight Suits!"
WOMAN: Congrats, gentlemen! You’re our new booth bunnies! Your costumes are in the shoebox on my desk!
MAN: Oh, boy! dibs on the purple thong!
WOMAN: Congrats, gentlemen! You’re our new booth bunnies! Your costumes are in the shoebox on my desk!
MAN: Oh, boy! dibs on the purple thong!
Okay, but then after it comes out you have to slam Hollywood for ruining your concept and take your name off of any future adaptations.
I’ve already written my rant of protest, Dan. So I’ll be ready for the movie. I have to admit–unlike Alan Moore–I’d gladly accept the movie money.