Original art possibly by Charles Sultan. Cover of Jungle Comics, published by Fiction House, April 1940.
SCENE: Kaanga tries to stop a rampaging rhino. Tied to the rhino’s back is a woman.
KAANGA: So…feeling horny yet?
WOMAN: Yes! But…not for you!
RHINO: Grunt*
CAPTION: *I’m always horny. But I guess no one cares.
1940 Artist: Charles Sultan?
Restoration: John Lustig
↓ Transcript
SCENE: Kaanga tries to stop a rampaging rhino. Tied to the rhino's back is a woman.
KAANGA: So...feeling horny yet?
WOMAN: Yes! But...not for you!
RHINO: Grunt*
CAPTION: *I'm always horny. But I guess no one cares.
1940 Artist: Charles Sultan?
Restoration: John Lustig
KAANGA: So...feeling horny yet?
WOMAN: Yes! But...not for you!
RHINO: Grunt*
CAPTION: *I'm always horny. But I guess no one cares.
1940 Artist: Charles Sultan?
Restoration: John Lustig
Who’s the master of the Serengeti with absolutely perfect hair?
Kaanga…Jungle Lord!
Who can hang on to a hard, polished horn no matter how rough the ride?
Kaanga…Jungle Lord!
Who’s just got the rosiest, most pinchable cheeks around?
No fool! It’s…
Kaanga! Jungle Lord!
Taking a stab at the storyline just from the cover:
Intrepid reporter Arianna Archbrows came to Africa to find out the truth about the fabled Jungle Lord-the one the natives refer to as ‘that oiled up blonde jerk’.
After touching down at the airport and making sure to apply plenty of make up…because what self respecting gal wouldn’t pile on the pancake makeup before heading out into the steamy African Savanah? Goodness, that would be like forgetting to put on your pointiest stilettoes before hiking through the Everglades…Arianna heads out, but soon runs afoul of some evil poachers.
Now the poachers need to dispose of Arianna. So instead of shooting her or just hitting her on the back of the head with a shovel and throwing her out like so much lion-chow, they tie her to side of an agreeable rhino (you know what they say about Ronnie Rhino…bring out the rope and he’s up for anything), and let Ronnie run around freely with her tied to the side. Because sooner or later she’ll die from that. Maybe from dehydration or just the odor. Whatever.
Anyway, Kaanga thinks she looks like the type to have some body oil on her, and he’s running low. So he chokes Ronnie out, which makes nothing but sense. Arianna agrees to hook Kaanga up with a bottle of mineral oil if he beats up the poachers and ties them to the side of some ostriches, which he does.
The readers shake their heads and skip to the Camilla story in the back of the comic. Because who the hell wants to read a story where the hero’s name is Wambi?
Since Camilla only wears a thong, enough copies get sold that the publisher decides to publish Jungle Comics monthly. And everyone lives happily ever after. Except Wambi. Because everyone hates him and gives him wedgies.
Wambi for President 2024. We can make it happen.
Great stuff, jams. As for 2024? I’m not sure, jams. But 2016, okay.
How about Camilla 2024?
Make Thongs Great Again!!
You might need to check with Prince Charles about that, he might prefer his chances of becoming king to First Gentleman. (Note: The First Lady is not called First Wife.)
That had got to be the weirdest looking rhino in the history of comics. Fangs and a hump. Really? And the second horn is the larger one and located in the middle of the forehead.
THAT’S the only weird thing about this picture?
I can’t stop laughing at GJ&J’s masterpiece!
Camilla was the queen of a lost empire in the heart of Africa. Her people were descended of Norsemen who found their way to the jungle during the Crusades. Her people worship Thor and sacrifice humans through electrocution to appease him during the Thunder Festival and every day during the rainy season. They also have unlocked the secrets of eternal life by drinking from a sulphur spring mixed with a secret powder. Each drink prolongs their life for five years. This formula allowed her people to live for over 600 years…
Public Domain Super Heroes
Comments are hilarious thanks for the fun reads!