Original Vintage Art & Text

Pencils by Dick Giordano and inks by Vince Colletta from the story “Letter from Long Ago” in FIRST KISS #6, 1958. Click link to read the entire vintage comic where this first appeared.
SCENE: Man holding a crying woman who is leaning into him and has woman hand up, partially covering her face. MAN: If it’ll make you feel better, I’ll pretend I’m wrong!
WOMAN: Please pretend…harder!
1958 Art: Dick Giordano & possibly Vince Colletta Color: Allen Freeman
↓ Transcript
SCENE: Man holding a crying woman who is leaning into him and has woman hand up, partially covering her face. MAN: If it’ll make you feel better, I’ll pretend I’m wrong!
WOMAN: Please pretend...harder!
1958 Art: Dick Giordano & possibly Vince Colletta Color: Allen Freeman
WOMAN: Please pretend...harder!
1958 Art: Dick Giordano & possibly Vince Colletta Color: Allen Freeman
Jim: “So is this a bad time to mention I’m gay?”
Jim: “Okay. Yeah, see this suit is really expensive. Silk I think. Dry cleaning it is a bitch. So…maybe you could…I dunno…find a pillow to hug or something?”
Jim: “Speaking of bodily organs that are, at last, needing to find release…”
Jim: “All I did was ask was why your curtains have giant paramecium crawling all over them. Sheesh. Drama queen much?”
Jim: “There, there. Just let the vodka get all the sad out.”
Jim: “You know…I just noticed. The top of your head makes a really convenient chin rest. Like perfect height.”
Jim: “When I asked you to cry me a river, I didn’t mean the Mississippi.”
Jim: “I’m sorry you carpet doesn’t match the drapes.”
“I’ll pretend I’m wrong”
… I mean, I’m good at it, after all, I’ve been pretending all this time that you’re a hot chick and that your B.O. isn’t making me want to tear my nose out by the roots!”
… I mean, I’m good at it, after all, I’ve been pretending all this time that that’s not the F.B.I. beating down my door.
… I mean, I’m good at it, after all, I’ve been pretending all this time that I’m actually a guy.
… I mean, I’m good at it, after all, I’ve been pretending all this time that I don’t feel that suspicious lump that’s hitting me on the thigh!
… I mean, I’m good at it, after all, I’ve been pretending all this time that I haven’t seen your conjoined twin.
… I mean, I’m good at it, after all, I’ve been pretending all this time that I haven’t noticed your husband standing there glowering at me and cocking his rifle.
… that’s all I’ve got.
Oh…. Oh NO! That’s not his wallet!!