Dear Penthouse…

Dear Penthouse…

More Last Kiss fun with “fine jams and jellies since 1982!” Thanks, Jams!

↓ Transcript
WOMAN (with a writing pen--thinking): Dear Penthouse,
I never thought I’d be writing this letter. But my honeymoon with Rick was so boring! All he wanted to do was have sex...and mostly with me! But then this cute hotel maid came in! And--
WOW! Suddenly I wasn’t a bit bored...

Just Married10_05.3Corrected

1959 Art: Vince Colletta New Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Honorary Penthouse Editors: John Lustig & “fine jams and jellies since 1982”

Accidental Sex

Accidental Sex

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by John Tartaglione from the story “My Confidence Man” in First Kiss #5, Sept. 1958.

Curious to see more? Click the link above to read the entire vintage comic book for free on

↓ Transcript
MAN: First you accidentally slipped...and I caught you!
WOMAN: Then we accidentally kissed!
MAN: Then we accidentally made love!
WOMAN: And now we’re going to accidentally have a child...and accidentally get married!
1958 Art: John Tartaglione New Color: Allen Freeman
Accident Prone: John Lustig

Cheesy Humor

Cheesy Humor

Happy Friday the 13th!

↓ Transcript
SCENE: A black cat staring up at a big moon.

CAT (thinking): I hear the Moon is made out of cheese. Gosh! it sounds delicious! There must be lots of mice!

Art: AI Magic Cheezy Writer: John Lustig


Courtship? Completely Clueless!

Courtship? Completely Clueless!

More Last Kiss fun courtesy of fan writer “fine jams and jellies since 1982!”

(Last week I launched That Was Then, This Is Now” as an occasional Last Kiss feature. If you missed my announcement and want to know more, here it is.)




↓ Transcript
Last Kiss Presents...
That Was 1963, This Is Now!
What the characters said in 1963...
And what they’d say now!
WOMAN: Well, I did tell you my ring size! and I e-mailed you a list of honeymoon locations!

Next I signed you up for that seminar “How to Make a Commitment!” and then I rented a billboard that said, “Darling, You Knocked Me Up Again...

“We Really Should Make Sure At Least One of our Children is Legitimate!”

But I guess that was too subtle for you.

1963 Art: Dick Giordano New Color: Allen Freeman & Mike Pascale
New Dialogue: “fine jams and jellies since 1982” Edits: John Lustig


Bubble Bath Beauty

Bubble Bath Beauty

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Bill Ward From Torchy #4, May 1950. Quality Comics.

Curious to see more? Click the link above to read the entire vintage comic book for free on

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Woman taking a bubble bath.

CAPTION #1: She adored her long luxurious bubble baths.

CAPTION #2: They made even her natural bubbles...

CAPTION #3: ...smell divine.

CAPTION #4: Bathing with Flora was a gas!

1950 Art: Bill Ward New Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Writer: Tony Isabella
