Having a Felina Easter

Having a Felina Easter

Happy Easter snuggles from me, photographer Allen Freeman and frequent Last Kiss model Felina Vie!

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Woman in a bunny suit in a field.

BUNNY: Dyeing for something sweet? No need to egg me on! Hop on over!

Model: Felina Vie Photo: Allen Freeman

Text ©2017 Last Kiss Inc
Photo @2017 Allen Freeman


My Fair Bunny

My Fair Bunny

Here’s the first of four Easter comics that I’ll be posting this week. This one written with my frequent partner in hilarity Mike Pascale.

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Ken Rice from the story “Too Smart for Love” in Ten-Story Love #204, Sept. 1955. Ace Magazines. Curious to see more? Click the link to read the entire vintage comic book.

↓ Transcript
CAPTION: The Easter Bunny is tired of sounding like an uncouth cottontail...and a boorish backwoods dumb bunny!

(Cruel people have even called him “hare-brained!”)

So he’s taking elocution lessons from that paragon of precise pronunciation: Eliza Do Little!

SCENE: The Easter Bunny is talking to a woman sitting at a desk.

EASTER BUNNY (singing): Randy rabbits rapidly race to rescue...rascal raccoons in Rio...from ransacking roadrunner robbers!

WOMAN: Good! Now sing it three times...backwards...while hopping...with your basket full of eggs!

1955 Art (of woman): Ken Rice Re-ink & Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Eggcelent Writers: Mike Pascale & John Lustig


Looking Forward to Later

Looking Forward to Later

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Jack Sparling from the story “Bottled Heartache” in Great Lover Romances #11, Oct. 1953. Toby. The story begins on Page 17.

Curious to see more? Click the link above to read the entire vintage comic book for free on ComicBookPlus.com.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Beautiful woman in a cocktail dress holds a cocktail as she talks to an older man in a tux.

WOMAN: I'm not desperate or drunk enough to go home with you--now! Maybe later!

1953 Art: Jack Sparling Re-ink & Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Waiting for Later: John Lustig


The Kiss of Stinky Death

The Kiss of Stinky Death

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “Jealousy” in First Kiss #14, May 1960. Charlton. The story begins on Page 3.

Curious to see more? Click the link above to read the entire vintage comic book for free on ComicBookPlus.com.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Man and woman kissing.

CAPTION: It was the ultimate battle of osculating stamina. Before the match, Tad ate a Surströmming sandwich. Nan went with the stinky tofu. As their lips started burning...their survival was far from certain.

1960 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Allen Freeman
Writer: Tony Isabella

Intelligent Life

Intelligent Life

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story Love’s Lovely Mirage” in First Kiss #36, Feb. 1964. Charlton Comics. The story begins on Page 3.

Curious to see more? Click the link above to read the entire vintage comic book for free on ComicBookPlus.com.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: A man and woman are about to kiss. Behind them is a starry night sky.

MAN: I wonder if there's intelligent life in the universe...

WOMAN: Other than me and you? I doubt it!

1958 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Character Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Alien Intelligence: John Lustig
