You Look So Familiar

You Look So Familiar

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by John Tartaglione from the story “Dear Jilted” in Brides in Love #8, June 1958. Charlton Comics.

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SCENE: Man holding a red drinking glass is talking to a woman.

MAN: You look familiar!
WOMAN: I’m the mother of your children!
MAN: No, that’s not it!

1958 Art: John Tartaglione Re-ink & Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Writer of Mom’s Favorite Comic: John Lustig

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Complicated Sex

Complicated Sex

Original Vintage Art & Text

Penciller unknown. Inked by Dick Giordano. First appeared in First Kiss #21, 1961.

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SCENE: Man and woman sitting on the grass. He looks very down, maybe even depressed.

MAN: Mom’s right! Sex is more complicated...with two people!

1961 Inks: Dick Giordano Color: Allen Freeman
Complicated Guy: John Lustig WO Trees

Learning to Love

Learning to Love

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Nick Cardy from “Good-Time Girl” in My Real Love #5, 1952. Standard Comics. No link because the original comic book isn’t online.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Middle-aged man with a mustache talking to a young, red-headed woman.

MAN: I’m learning so much from my students!

WOMAN: Really? What are you teaching?

MAN: Sex Ed!

1952 Character Art: Nick Cardy Re-inked and colored: Allen Freeman
Student of Life: John Lustig

Meanwhile, in the Batcave…

Meanwhile, in the Batcave…

Original Vintage Art & Text

Pencils by Charles Nicholas (& inks possibly by Vince Alascia.) From the story “Bride into Wife” in Brides in Love #3, April 1957. Charlton Comics.

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SCENE: Bruce Wayne in the Batcave.

BRUCE: I can fight crooks, but I can’t fight who I really am!

CAPTION: Bruce Wayne finally comes out...of The Batcave!

1957 Artist unknown Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Superhero on Earth 2: John Lustig


Winning by a Hair?

Winning by a Hair?

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Photo of Charlie Chaplin, Edna Purviance, and Leo White. Chaplin and White (who looks a bit like Salivdor Dali) are glaring at each other with Edna in the middle.

CAPTION: When manly men meet...
The competition to be the alpha male is intense. Is brain power the winning factor? Big muscles? The size of a man’s...uh, hands? No! It’s who has the best facial hair!

LEO: No, me!
EDNA (thinking): Frankly, I don’t long as it isn’t me!

(L to R): Charlie Chaplin, Edna Purviance and Leo White in A Jitney Elopement, 1915.
Slightly Hairy, Always Harried: John Lustig