Perfect? You Wish!
See the original vintage art and text below.

I’m perfect. And so is my life!

Everyday is perfect! Perfect! Perfect!!!

Except, of course, the days the asylum guards screw up and can’t force me to take all my meds—perfectly!

Art by Nick Cardy from the story "Two-Timer" in NEW ROMANCES #13, 1952. (Click image to enlarge.)

Art by Nick Cardy from the story “Two-Timer” in NEW ROMANCES #13, 1952. (Click image to enlarge.)


WOMAN: Don’t feel bad! Nobody’s perfect…except me, of course!

1952 Art: Nick Cardy Re-Creation: Elite Avni-Sharon


↓ Transcript
WOMAN: Don’t feel bad! Nobody’s perfect...except me, of course!

1952 Art: Nick Cardy Re-Creation: Elite Avni-Sharon
