Although the dialogue is brand new, I first used this art in 2010. That was the year Mike Pascale and I started doing Halloween comics together. Eventually we branched out into doing Thanksgiving, Christmas and holidays comics. But this art was in that first 2010 batch.
Happy 12th Creative Anniversary, Mike!
Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Vernon Greene from the story “Dial L-O-V-E” in Today’s Romance #8, Sept. 1952. Published by Pines (Standard.) Curious to see more? Click the link to read the entire vintage comic book.
SCENE: Zombie woman with a bag of groceries is at a doorway. It looks like she’s just walked in.
ZOMBIE WOMAN: Honey, I couldn’t find anyone to eat! So, we’re going vegan! Healthwise it’s a no brainer!
VOICE FROM OFF PANEL: Veggies?!! Over my dead body!
1952 Art: Vernon Greene Color: Allen Freeman
Zombification: Mike Pascale Dead On Dialogue: John Lustig
ZOMBIE WOMAN: Honey, I couldn’t find anyone to eat! So, we’re going vegan! Healthwise it’s a no brainer!
VOICE FROM OFF PANEL: Veggies?!! Over my dead body!
1952 Art: Vernon Greene Color: Allen Freeman
Zombification: Mike Pascale Dead On Dialogue: John Lustig
“It all started one evening when I came home to my lonesome little apartment…
…which is also how most of my letters to the Editors of Penthouse start off…”
“I’m just one big pain all over! Although usually, most people say I’m a pain more concentrated in the area of the ass.”
“And being alone another evening doesn’t help matters any! Good thing I just bought a whole bunch of zucchini. Fresh. Long. Firm. Zucchini.
“And the best part is I can eat right after ’cause I make my own gravy!”
“Wait! This isn’t my lonely little apartment!”
“Why no Miss. It’s mine! I’m your new neighbor. Dick Hungsley.”
“Oh! I seem to have caught you coming out of the shower!”
“Too bad you didn’t catch me coming in the shower! But step inside. We’ll down some shots of Glenlivet and see how things shake out.”
What I really want to know is who is she talking out loud to in that panel? And why does the doorknob have a goiter?
“I hurt from the hair down”
– Steve Martin as Sgt. Bilko
That was, once again, very lovely Jams! I have gotten used to coffee shooting out my nostrils after reading your comments, which is why I keep paper towels by my computer. Seriously, though, you and John need to collaborate. Cheers!
I’ve been thinking about doing that for a long time. If nothing else, I’d like to adapt some of Jam’s quips into actual Last Kiss comics. I just need to make time to go through a bunch of them, pick the right ones and consult with Jams.
Jams, I owe you a longish (or at least more intelligent and considered) than I’m up to at the moment. Deadlines are sort of kicking my posterior at the moment. But I’ll be in touch in about a week.
In the meantime, please know how much I enjoy and appreciate your quips!
I’ve been thinking about doing that for a long time. If nothing else, I’d like to adapt some of Jam’s quips into actual Last Kiss comics. I just need to make time to go through a bunch of them, pick the right ones and consult with Jams.
Jams, I owe you a longish (or at least more intelligent and considered) than I’m up to at the moment. Deadlines are sort of kicking my posterior at the moment. But I’ll be in touch in about a week.
In the meantime, please know how much I enjoy and appreciate your witty quips!
*ahem* My new client, Mr. or Mrs. or Ms. or whatever Jams will require certain conditions.
(No, I’m not a lawyer, but I’ve watched a lot of TV and movie shows with a bunch of law-talking stuff)