Original Vintage Art & Text
Curious to see more? Click this link to read the entire vintage comic book for free. This panel is from First Kiss #29 of ComicBookPlus.com’s presentation of the comic. The story begins on Page 9.
↓ Transcript
SCENE: A beautiful woman is taking a path.
WOMAN: They say I’m all washed up! That my days as a star are over! But that’ll change if I appear in Last Kiss! it’s so classy! Finally a role where I won’t have to do any nudity!
1962 Art: Vince Colletta Studio
Color: Allen Freeman
Soap Salesman: John Lustig
WOMAN: They say I’m all washed up! That my days as a star are over! But that’ll change if I appear in Last Kiss! it’s so classy! Finally a role where I won’t have to do any nudity!
1962 Art: Vince Colletta Studio
Color: Allen Freeman
Soap Salesman: John Lustig
“Maybe I’m making a mistake going out with Elliot! He’s so different from the other men I’ve known…So bold and outspoken!..
…How I can’t wait to crush him!”
…And so powerful too! All the way up onto my shoulder! No wonder his nickname is “Firehose”.”
…And he doesn’t bring his mother on our dates! That’s definitely a step up from my last four boyfriends!”
…Why I’m so stupid over him, I put on make up to take a bath!”
Rub a dub dub
Who needs men in her tub!
When her left hand is subtly sneakin’.
And that shadow on the wall
is no shadow at all!
It’s Elliot!
And he’s just a peekin’.
Wow. Humor and poetry? You outdone yourself, Jams!
Honey, that’s only partially true…..
I, for one, am not opposed to female nudity!
I’m not opposed to male nudity, either, but given the choice: I’ll take female!
Lots of MILF type roles await you. Don’t turn down work if you want to keep your SAG card & Health Insurance.