Pencils by Charles Nicholas from the story “The Necklace” in First Kiss #12, Jan. 1960.



SCENE: Man in evening jacket and woman talking outside in a woodsy setting.

MAN: I believe our lives are ruled by a superior being!

WOMAN: So, you know about my mom!

1960 Pencils: Charles Nicholas Color: Allen Freeman

Pencils by Charles Nicholas from the story “The Necklace” in First Kiss #12, Jan. 1960.


↓ Transcript
SCENE: Man in evening jacket and woman talking outside in a woodsy setting.

MAN: I believe our lives are ruled by a superior being!

WOMAN: So, you know about my mom!

1960 Pencils: Charles Nicholas Color: Allen Freeman

Pencils by Charles Nicholas from the story "The Necklace" in First Kiss #12, Jan. 1960.