A new tale of monstrous lust from Tony Isabella & Allen Freeman!
Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “Jealousy” in First Kiss #14, May 1960. Charlton. The story begins on Page 3.
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↓ Transcript
SCENE: A man and a woman waving goodbye to an unseen person or persons.
CAPTION: Kaiju mating season always brought the tourists to Monster Island.
WOMAN: They’re enthusiastic. Look at those dust clouds.
MAN: It reminds me of our honeymoon.
WOMAN: I figured it would, darling. So I packed my Mothra lingerie.
1960 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Allen Freeman
Writer: Tony Isabella
CAPTION: Kaiju mating season always brought the tourists to Monster Island.
WOMAN: They’re enthusiastic. Look at those dust clouds.
MAN: It reminds me of our honeymoon.
WOMAN: I figured it would, darling. So I packed my Mothra lingerie.
1960 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Allen Freeman
Writer: Tony Isabella
Which one said that?
In the original comic book story, it was her. But here on Last Kiss? Take your pick!
So it could have been her, or him, or the narrator?
“But suddenly I knew that this tall, talented, handsome man was to play a big part in my life…
…No. Wait. I meant in my pants. Play a big part in my pants.”
…Probably against his will and contrary to his common sense. But hostile refusal is why I carry Ketamine and a taser.”
…You see, I’m someone who makes a lot of plans around douche nozzles.”
It must be so awkward when your new female bestie gets a crush on your man, huh Blondie?
“Phillip! We have company!..
…And this time I don’t think she’s an undercover cop!”
…She’s a Before Model on dandruff commercials!”
…Not pleasant company! Which is why I’m dumping her here and taking off! Bye!”
…She says she’s an anally retentive masochist! And I thought, “Hey! Who’s a bigger pain in the ass than Phillip?” So…”
I’m almost tempted to read the story to see what the front of their heads looks like.
But then I think, “Nah. The mystique is the only thing they have going for them.”
If you value your sanity, Jams, don’t read it. It’s insanely bad. In fact, it’s bad enough to drive you mad. (Or at least make you angry.)
“Tales calculated to drive you MAD”?
What? Me worry?
My niece’s first husband used to refer to having sex after a “dry spell” as “knocking the dust off”.