Happy Mother’s Day! (Well, almost Mother’s Day.)

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “Hope Never Dies” in FIRST KISS #29, 1962.
Scene: Smiling young woman holding up a happy baby.
WOMAN: You’re perfect!
BABY (thinking): I know!
1962 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Allen Freeman
↓ Transcript
Scene: Smiling young woman holding up a happy baby.
WOMAN: You're perfect!
BABY (thinking): I know!
1962 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Allen Freeman
WOMAN: You're perfect!
BABY (thinking): I know!
1962 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Allen Freeman
“But before that, I’m going to have a dozen just like your father!”
“I mean…really. How hard could it be?”
Hope never dies. Then again, neither does stupidity.
If this were a Tik Tok video, that baby would just now be spitting up all over her face.
Happy Momma’s Day folks.
Joke #1 of 2:
Men and women argue about which hurts more: giving birth or getting kicked in the crotch. How many women do you know that have more than 1 child? As opposed to how many men do you know that want a 2nd kick to the groin*?
*pain fetishists excepted.
My wife is a tiny Filipina and our first son was pretty big. She lost so much blood and needed three units after giving birth. Although really dark, her skin was a scary, ashen white. I told her that if she never wanted to have another child, I was okay with that. She said, “that’s it, no more.” Six months later, she said “wouldn’t it be great to have another baby?” I reminded her of what she said in the hospital but she denied having ever said it. I mentioned that to our doctor and he said that as part of the recovery after giving birth, hormones are released which basically cause women to forget childbirth pain, otherwise nobody would have siblings. My wife mothered three more boys before we finally stopped having kids.
#2 of 2:
There is a group of people that are a drain on this country. They don’t speak our language, and they don’t have jobs. In fact, they expect to be carried everywhere and waited on hand and foot.
That’s right: BABIES!!!