John Lustig at Comic-Con
Yippee! I’m attending this week’s San Diego Comic-Con after all.
Plus my friend Spencer Brinkerhoff III has graciously offered me space at his Booth #5560. (It’s a corner booth right by the doors between F & G Hall on the first floor–near Artist Alley.)
I’m bringing some Last Kiss goodies as well as a few of the Last Kiss, Marvel & Disney comics I’ve written. But my main reason for being there is to meet readers and fans. So, please come by and say, “Howdy!” –John Lustig
Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Art Saaf & Mike Peppe from the story “Kiss and Run” in New Romances #14, Dec. 1952. Standard.
Curious to see more? Click the link above to read the entire vintage comic book for free on
↓ Transcript
SCENE: Male photographer and a young woman model are in his studio. He's handing her a skimpy costume. She looks shocked.
CAPTION BOX: Modest Minnie’s first modeling job is a big bust!
PHOTOGRAPHER: Here’s something to wear...and then take off!
1952 Art: Art Saaf & Mike Peppe New Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General: John Lustig
CAPTION BOX: Modest Minnie’s first modeling job is a big bust!
PHOTOGRAPHER: Here’s something to wear...and then take off!
1952 Art: Art Saaf & Mike Peppe New Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General: John Lustig
“But I thought you said this was a comic strip!”
“Yeah, well…. think funny thoughts?”
“But I thought you said this was a comic strip!”
“You’re emphasizing the wrong word, sweetheart. Strip is what we’re interested in!”
Be careful that Comic-Con doesn’t end up as Covid-Con.
And the next set over is wear we shoot Le Cinema….l
“We… We’ll what… ? I wear that while you take pictures of dessert? Where’s H.R.?”
I thought the story’s title was “Pretty… Butt!”