This is an updated version of a comic I did for the late, lamented Comics Buyer’s Guide back at the dawn of time when print publications weren’t just a fond memory. Eventually, I plan to put out a book collecting the best of my CBG comics. In the meantime, I’ll be running more of my CBG comics here from time to time.
Original Art:
The panels I used for today’s comic are both from the same 1959 story, but they weren’t adjacent in the original story. They were from different scenes. Here are are the originals with an extra panel of art to give context.

Art by Art Cappello & Vince Alascia from the story “A Kiss in the Dark” in FIRST KISS #11, 1959.
But does she get involved? Real involved? Heartbreakingly involved? You bet!

Art by Art Cappello & Vince Alascia from the story “A Kiss in the Dark” in FIRST KISS #11, 1959.
CAPTION: Most of the time, I’m The Woman Without Fear! Terrorists? Plagues? Running out of toilet paper during a prune festival? Nothing scares me! Nothing…except the scum of the universe: telemarketers!
PANEL 1, Scene: Distraught woman with her head hidden in one hand listens as the phone rings.
WOMAN: OMG! These phone fiends won’t leave me alone! I-I’ve got to fight back!
PANEL 2, SCENE: The woman is now talking on the phone.
WOMAN: Hi! You’re raising money for a good cause? Great! Me too! I need millions for Millionless Millionaires! How much would you like to give?
CAPTION: Hello?…Hello?
1959 Art: Art Cappello & Vince Alascia
PANEL 1, Scene: Distraught woman with her head hidden in one hand listens as the phone rings.
WOMAN: OMG! These phone fiends won’t leave me alone! I-I’ve got to fight back!
PANEL 2, SCENE: The woman is now talking on the phone.
WOMAN: Hi! You’re raising money for a good cause? Great! Me too! I need millions for Millionless Millionaires! How much would you like to give?
CAPTION: Hello?...Hello?
1959 Art: Art Cappello & Vince Alascia
You vixen! No one says No to Sensitve Gary-Guy! No one!
No one except, sensitive, worrywart her!