Original Vintage Art & Text

Inked by Dick Giordano. From the story “My Foolish Heart” in First Kiss #21, July 1961.Published by Charlton. The story begins on Page 27.
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↓ Transcript
SCENE: Woman in foreground sitting on the grass. In the background, a man looks away from us, off into the distance, lost in thought.
MAN: I know I said I’d love you forever! But that was yesterday!
CAPTION: Welcome to another exciting episode of...
Brief Attention Span Romances!
1961 Inks: Dick Giordano Color: Allen Freeman
ADHD Poster Boy: John Lustig
MAN: I know I said I’d love you forever! But that was yesterday!
CAPTION: Welcome to another exciting episode of...
Brief Attention Span Romances!
1961 Inks: Dick Giordano Color: Allen Freeman
ADHD Poster Boy: John Lustig
“I love you as I would that daughter I never had!”
“But…John! It can’t be that way! I love you…
…in the same way Kim Kardashian loves anything with a protrusion!”
…and I’m not wearing panties. C’mon. Do you really think I’m sitting this way because it’s comfortable?”
…in the same way a man loves a woman he’s met in Las Vegas. Temporarily. You know. Just until the buffets close.”
…I have a thing for guys that remind me of Don Knotts!”
Top Reasons This Conversation Is So Awkward…You Know…Besides the Hints of Incest…
5) This is actually Smurf Village. Gargamel has eaten all the other Smurfs. Now it’s just Poppa Smurf and Smurfette. And no one wants to see the race die out after all. So…bow chicka wow wow…
4) He actually came up here to hook up with her brother.
3) In two more seconds, she will realize that she is sitting on top of a fire ant mound.
2) She was up all night, reading “Woody Allen’s Guide to Parenting and Dating”. The book made it sound like this would go much more smoothly than it has been.
1) She needs him to sign the permission slip so she can go on the class field trip to the sex toy museum.
I probably shouldn’t use these. But…
-“Is that a Flintstone’s Chewable in your pocket? Or are you just glad to see me?”
-Scene from the Harvey Weinstein remake of “Anne of Green Gables”
– #47 from the “Reasons Why Thanksgiving With My Family Is Always So Awkward”.
Gotta agree about those fire ants. Here at this time of the year the crickets are swarming.
That’s three yards of skirt. Tuck it under!
Forever came early this week.
I’m sorry, but every time I see a woman wearing a long skirt (which is sexy, don’t get me wrong) and sitting like that (which is very sexy, don’t get me wrong), I worry that she’s just eaten Taco Bell and is about ready to blow that thing right off. I once saw something very much like that happen once backstage after one of our performances and it traumatized me for life!
You just need to take that trauma and turn it into a fetish…
I’ll pass…