Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Jack Sparling from the story “Bottled Heartache” in Great Lover Romances #11, Oct. 1953. Toby. The story begins on Page 17.
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SCENE: Beautiful woman in a cocktail dress holds a cocktail as she talks to an older man in a tux.
WOMAN: I'm not desperate or drunk enough to go home with you--now! Maybe later!
1953 Art: Jack Sparling Re-ink & Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Waiting for Later: John Lustig
WOMAN: I'm not desperate or drunk enough to go home with you--now! Maybe later!
1953 Art: Jack Sparling Re-ink & Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Waiting for Later: John Lustig
Soon the Great Strap Shortage of 1953 was over and people could stop holding up their dresses with duct tape.
Gotta say those dresses put the yesssss…. in slinky.
I’d be a little hesitant to say yes to getting together with Letty and Ted Pack.
Also: https://imgur.com/gallery/483pr
It’s so nice to meet you I’m just staring off into the middle distance and definitely not thinking about your fiance Fudge Pack. I mean Ted Pack. Whatever.
I dunno. I think the original panel comment, that Letty is an explorer of bottles, is hard to beat. Wasn’t there a way to work it in?
No, it was bottled up.
Shall we retire to the VIP room?