Is your significant other cold and distant? Surprise. It's apparently your fault! Original art from First Kiss #3 (1958.)
Advice to myself:
I probably won’t ever win an argument by saying, “I’m sorry!”
But I’ll certainly lose fewer if I say “I’m sorry.” And then shut the *&^% up!
↓ Transcript
SCENE: Man and woman talking.
MAN: I’m sorry, but…
WOMAN: Stop at “but!” We’ll
both be happier!
Art: Vince Colletta Studio
Color: Allen Freeman
©2013 Last Kiss Inc
MAN: I’m sorry, but…
WOMAN: Stop at “but!” We’ll
both be happier!
Art: Vince Colletta Studio
Color: Allen Freeman
©2013 Last Kiss Inc
MAN: “If you’d ever let me finish I was going to say I’m sorry, BUTTHEAD!”
Woman: “Oh, I thought you were referring to my Londonderry Aire!?