Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “Change of Heart” in First Kiss #37, May 1964.
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Yeah, something tells me a guy in a speedo wearing a leather gestapo hat isn’t whistling at you. Just near you.
Now the guy you were just dancing with? Royse (Roy for short)? Roy’s probably the one getting whistled at.
You in a bathing suit that looks like your grandma’s armchair gave up its upholstery to make? Not so much whistling going on there.
My guess is that the world you have emerged in and the world Roy has emerged in are very distinct and separate. Also Roy has probably helped a lot of people emerge. And probably most of those people wear nothing but speedos and leather gestapo hats.
So when Roy says he hopes you have a “change of heart”, and that he’s “super stoked to be your bestie!”, his warm feelings for you may not be the kind of feelings you think they are.
But maybe I’m wrong. Maybe you’ll be very happy as Mrs. Royse Beard.
Just don’t be too shocked when the best man at your wedding is wearing nothing but a speedo and a leather gestapo hat.
Needs a mustache on that guy.
Dude looks like a reject from the Village People.
Wow never thought Tom of Finland would appear in Last Kiss!
Why did Rob Halford just pop into my mind on that last panel?
This guy WISHES he was Rob Halford!!
True…do love me some Rob!
“I’m just over here being casual. Look how casual I am!! LOOK!!!!! I’m even whistling my casual song!! SO CASUAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“Come on!!! Isn’t anybody going to notice how casual I am!?!?!”