SCENE: Man and woman cuddling in a car.
WOMAN: I’ve dated powerful men before! But you’re…my first web cartoonist!
MAN: I draw women…like flies! Sexy, sexy flies!
1950 Art: Matt Baker & Ray Osrin Re-Creation: Kirsten Wilson
Art Code: KW.lk17
↓ Transcript
SCENE: Man and woman cuddling in a car.
WOMAN: I’ve dated powerful men before! But you’ first web cartoonist!
MAN: I draw flies! Sexy, sexy flies!
1950 Art: Matt Baker & Ray Osrin Re-Creation: Kirsten Wilson
Art Code: KW.lk17
WOMAN: I’ve dated powerful men before! But you’ first web cartoonist!
MAN: I draw flies! Sexy, sexy flies!
1950 Art: Matt Baker & Ray Osrin Re-Creation: Kirsten Wilson
Art Code: KW.lk17
The football team was just a one night stand.
How could there be anyone else? Who would want them?
To praphrase: Romance is the glamour which turns the dust of everyday life into a golden haze which Rhymes With Lust.