Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “Danger Heartbreak” in First Kiss #20, 1961. The story begins on Page 14.
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↓ Transcript
SCENE: A man and woman are kissing. In the background is a big, red heart.
WOMAN: How’s your Monday?
MAN: So far? Not bad?
1961 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Allen Freeman
Tuesday’s Child: John Lustig
WOMAN: How’s your Monday?
MAN: So far? Not bad?
1961 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Allen Freeman
Tuesday’s Child: John Lustig
She had found the man who belonged in her heart!
And she found the 274 men who belonged in her &@$$#!
Truly, she was an explorer on the Oceans of Love!
“I was lucky! I could have easily lost him!..
…Luckily I had implanted that tracker. Boy, did I use a lot of Vaseline for that job.”
…I really should start marking the spots I bury these bodies on a map or something.”
…And always so awkward hearing my name called on the PA system at the mall. “Flo Columbus! You have a lost Love Puppet at the Lost and Found counter! Please come claim your Love Puppet!”. I hate it when that happens.”
Flo and Bob’s passionate kiss would be their last! For alas! They were in the scope of…The Love Sniper! He shoots to thrill!
“I could so easily have been a woman without a love!…
…I mean I was already a woman without a brain. So why go for another title?”
…Which is ironic, because I’m known as being so easy with love. So go fig.”
If I’d been drinking coffee when I read this, Jams, I definitely would’ve done a spit take when I read:
“…Luckily I had implanted that tracker. Boy, did I use a lot of Vaseline for that job.”
What is he wearing? Something designed by Omar the Tentmaker?
Garfield should take note on how to improve Mondays.
I had a girlfriend who like to sleep nude and give me a big hug every day when I went off to work.
It was always hard to go to work. In more ways than one…