Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “He Loves Me Not” in First Kiss #3, May 1958. Published by Charlton. The story begins on Page 14.
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WOMAN (talking to man): I'm right! You're wrong! See? Argument over! Now all you have to do is apologize! I’ll let you know when you can stop!
1958 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Character Color: Allen Freeman
Apologies for this Joke: John Lustig
1958 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Character Color: Allen Freeman
Apologies for this Joke: John Lustig
If you’ve gotten the vaccinations covid can be pretty mild. Hope your case isn’t the exception. Get well soon!
Thanks, Dave. Fortunately, I am up on all my vaccinations. Plus I started taking Paxlovid which is already making a huge difference. It’s mostly cold symptoms, a sore throat, some gut misadventures and a lot of fatigue. But it could be a lot worse
I guess all the pokes didn’t do you any good. I had a positive test and in 2 days I was fine, just like a cold.
Actually, I’m positive I’m not sicker primarily because I had all my “pokes.” Everything I’ve read says the vaccinations won’t fully protect you from getting the virus. But—in most cases—they’ll keep you from getting deathly ill.
I’m glad you got through your Covid so easily, though!
Get well soon, John!!
(We’re not askin’, we’re TELLIN’!!)
Thanks, Rex. I vary hour-to-hour, but I’m definitely getting better!
Paraphrasing Costaki Economopoulos:
I wanted B, she wanted Y. We compromised on X and she was still mad.