Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani from the story “Honeymoon Continued” in First Kiss #24, Jan. 1962. Published by Charlton.
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↓ Transcript
SCENE: Two women talking. Younger woman is holding a tea cup. (Or small coffee cup.)
YOUNGER WOMAN: My new year’s resolution is to be more independent!
OLDER WOMAN: What does your HUSBAND think about that?
YOUNGER WOMAN: You mean my soon-to-be-ex husband? He didn’t like it!
1962 Art: Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani Color: Allen Freeman
Independent Dependents: Mike Pascale & John Lustig
YOUNGER WOMAN: My new year’s resolution is to be more independent!
OLDER WOMAN: What does your HUSBAND think about that?
YOUNGER WOMAN: You mean my soon-to-be-ex husband? He didn’t like it!
1962 Art: Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani Color: Allen Freeman
Independent Dependents: Mike Pascale & John Lustig
“But you’re here for dinner every Sunday, and I’ve prepared…
…the sex dungeon! I need a new bloopers reel for my Only Fans site, and you know I rely on you guys for awkward porn content!”
…a new floor waxer to get a really nice shine on that huge forehead of yours! I want to get it so shiny, it can be used to blind passing motorists!”
…myself to endure your presence! If you don’t show up now, all that self-flagellation and hair-shirt wearing will be a waste!”
Other tips offered in this story to help keep the “Honeymoon Continued”!..
…Don’t be afraid to have public sex! The best spot is in the parking lot of our magazine’s building! Especially the south side of the lot, right outside our office’s big picture window!
…Pack sensible shoes and exciting underwear! And don’t get the order of those adjectives mixed up now.
…If money is tight, consider hitching rides at local truck stops! It’s easy to parlay sexual favors for rides! And the best news is you can both usually work that angle!
…Stop sleeping with his friends. At least for the first four months. Consider sleeping with comic book artists instead! We know where there’s a great bunch of those guys just waiting around…watching a parking lot…doodling pictures of exciting underwear…
Happy Friday everyone.
Why doodle pictures of exciting underwear when exciting underwear is available free for the taking…
Might be some downside to that approach…
Hmm. The link just takes me to a blank page, Dave.
Can’t find my original source so I’ll put this in play…
Nicely done, Jams. I particularly like your sage and very practical advice: Pack sensible shoes and exciting underwear!
(I have been getting the two mixed up. But–no more!)
When I go to the Cheesecake Factory (#humblebrag) for dessert I’ll order a hot fudge sundae for there and my favorite cheesecake to go. Then I’ll “pretend” to consider doing it the other way around…
Nope, no laughs yet! Not one. But I’m not giving up! I’m no quitter!!