In the jungle, the mighty jungle The lion sleeps tonight…in your bed. Look out!

Art by Jack Kamen from Rulah, Jungle Goddess #1, Dec. 1948.





SCENE: Rulah, knife out and ready to strike, jumps to intercept a lion which is about to attack another woman.

RULAH: I warned you! Lions aren’t pets!

OTHER WOMAN: I know! I know! Cleaning their cat box is…insane!

1948 Art: Jack Kamen New Dialogue John Lustig
Restoration & New Dialogue: John Lustig


↓ Transcript
SCENE: Rulah, knife out and ready to strike, jumps to intercept a lion which is about to attack another woman.

RULAH: I warned you! Lions aren’t pets!

OTHER WOMAN: I know! I know! Cleaning their cat box is...insane!

1948 Art: Jack Kamen New Dialogue John Lustig
Restoration & New Dialogue: John Lustig
