Original Vintage Art & Text

Artist unknown. From the story “Censored” in All True Romance #2, Oct. 1951. Published by Comics Media. Click the link to read entire comic book for free. This story begins on Page 26.
SCENE: A bride covering the mouth of a groom who is struggling to speak.
BRIDE: He says…he will!
Artist Unknown Restoration & Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
↓ Transcript
SCENE: A bride covering the mouth of a groom who is struggling to speak.
BRIDE: He says…he will!
Artist Unknown Restoration & Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
BRIDE: He says…he will!
Artist Unknown Restoration & Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
… of his own free will!!!!
(Plus, he’s in a conservatorship that I’m in charge of!)
He says yes, or I will gnaw of his other shoulder.
That’ll teach him!!
“Hold it! ‘To have and to hold’ onto WHAT??”
“For richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health….”
“Whoa, whoa, WHOA. How sick and poor is this broad gonna get?”
AHH! So THAT’S why we only see One of her hands!