Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “My Outlaw Lover” in First Kiss #20, May 1961.
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↓ Transcript
SCENE: Woman angrily points her forefinger at a man as lighting storm rages behind her.
WOMAN: And I say we’re going to be happy...whether you like it... or not!
1961 Art: Vince Colletta Character Color: Allen Freeman
Happy to Be Me: John Lustig (actually though)
WOMAN: And I say we’re going to be happy...whether you like it... or not!
1961 Art: Vince Colletta Character Color: Allen Freeman
Happy to Be Me: John Lustig (actually though)
“Wait a minute! I’m…
…trying to figure out why your finger smells like that! Did you forget to scrub up after performing your last colonoscopy?”
…pretty sure that I killed all those people! So why are you bringing them up now?”
…positive all those people were telling me to crazy up my correct behavior! Are you telling me I heard them all wrong?”
…willing to change my behavior or give you my wallet or whatever else it is you want! Just be cool with that fingernail, alright? It’s like your manicurist is an SS Agent or something.”
…Just a Singer in a Rock and Roll Band! Reaching so many people who are trying to be free!”
…Guessing we know each other, seeing as how you walked up to me and started yelling about a bunch of stuff. Uhm…you are…name’s right on the tip of my tongue. Or another part of my anatomy that has a tip. You know what! I probably don’t recognize you because you’re not naked! Can we continue this conversation in a room at the La Quinta down the street?”
I read the story on this one. Have to admit. Not sure I’ve seen one of these have such a downer ending.
Thanks for all the great gags, Jam. As for the original story, yeah–quit a downer. Most romance stories ended with a happy kiss–often at the wedding altar. But an occasional story ended downbeat like this–often as a sort of moral lesson about bad or at least improper behavior. Oddly, most of these–particularly in comics published by Charlton (and probably written by house scribe Joe Gill)–seemed to be about bad girls rather than bad boys.
I’m having flashbacks to the Navy.
“Morale is up! That’s an order.”
*Note: not ironic.
Yeah, some people think because they can bark out whatever orders pop into their heads, that magically makes them all happen.
What do my last three girlfriends have to do with this?
They weren’t commissioned by the Congress of the United States?
Yeah, Neil’s a “Rebel Without A Clue”.