I figured yesterday’s comic was going to my last Halloween gag this year. But then this idea popped into my head a couple of hours ago. And I already had the perfect art for it thanks to my pal Mike Pascale. So…I went for it. Happy Halloween!

Art by John Tartaglione from the story “The Sea Green Eyes!” from First Kiss #5, 1958.




SCENE: Male zombie and very human and alive girl are hugging.

GIRL: I voted early!

ZOMBIE: I knew you had…braaains!

1958 Inks: John Tartaglione Color: Allen Freeman Gag: John Lustig
Zombification & Additional Color: Mike Pascale

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Male zombie and very human and alive girl are hugging.

GIRL: I voted early!

ZOMBIE: I knew you had...braaains!

1958 Inks: John Tartaglione Color: Allen Freeman Gag: John Lustig
Zombification & Additional Color: Mike Pascale