Art by John Tartaglione from the story “The Sea Green Eyes!” in FIRST KISS #5, 1958.
SCENE: Young woman sitting looking at some sheets of paper.
WOMAN (thinks): Why does no one “like” my Garfield/Marmaduke fan fiction? I can’t be the only reader…who feels their unspoken passion!
1958 Art: John Tartaglione Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Guest Writer: Tony Isabella
↓ Transcript
SCENE: Young woman sitting looking at some sheets of paper.
WOMAN (thinks): Why does no one “like” my Garfield/Marmaduke fan fiction? I can’t be the only reader...who feels their unspoken passion!
1958 Art: John Tartaglione Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Guest Writer: Tony Isabella
WOMAN (thinks): Why does no one “like” my Garfield/Marmaduke fan fiction? I can’t be the only reader...who feels their unspoken passion!
1958 Art: John Tartaglione Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Guest Writer: Tony Isabella
Well, if he is really like an angel on fire, he probably spends a lot of time flying around screaming, “Ahhhhhh! I’m on fire! Please someone put me out!”
“I never thought a dirty limerick could touch me so!
‘There once was a boy named Chuck,
And boy did he like to-‘
Well, it’s just genius. I don’t care what the librarian says.”
“I hope he has a thing for prudish girls who dress like the Sock Hop never ended.”
“I wonder what Ralph Vaughn is really like? I should let him out of the truck of my car, take his gag off, and find out.”
“I wonder what Ralph Vaughn is really like? Good thing the restraining order is only temporary so one day soon I can find out!”
“I wonder what Ralph Vaughn is really like? The lens on the hidden camera I planted in his bathroom got fogged up. So I can only guess at what he’s doing with that shower massager!”
Meanwhile, at that exact moment, Ralph Vaughan was across town in his aunt’s basement reenacting the scene from the Jodie Foster version of Silence of the Lambs where Buffalo Bill dances to Goodbye Horses. (If you have to Google that reference, it’s not work safe)
Gonna paraphrase: I’d F me…
Who wouldn’t?
Apparently no one on Match, Bumble, Plenty of Fish, or….
As usual, Jam, you crack me up!
When it’s Marmaduke’s turn: *tearing paper sound*
my guess is that there is a good reason why their passion is unspoken.