More Last Kiss fun from Tony Isabella & Diego Jourdan Pereira!
Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Murphy Anderson from the story “All Aboard for the Moon” in Rangers Comics #64, April 1952. (Fiction House.)
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SCENE: Three male scientists are working in a lab. One is looking through a microscope. One is carrying some beakers in the background. The scientist in the foreground is holding a test tube.
MAN: This is the biggest breakthrough in romance chemistry since Love Potion #9!
MAN: Sugar-Free Love Potion #9!
MAN: All the passion, fewer calories!
MAN: And we’re on the verge of creating Sugar-Free Love Potion #9 Wild Cherry…
MAN: ...and Super-Free Love Potion #9 Mango Madness!
1952 Art: Murphy Anderson Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Writer: Tony Isabella
MAN: This is the biggest breakthrough in romance chemistry since Love Potion #9!
MAN: Sugar-Free Love Potion #9!
MAN: All the passion, fewer calories!
MAN: And we’re on the verge of creating Sugar-Free Love Potion #9 Wild Cherry…
MAN: ...and Super-Free Love Potion #9 Mango Madness!
1952 Art: Murphy Anderson Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Writer: Tony Isabella
No matter how closely he studied it, Clark wasn’t able to see anything vaguely nautical in this so called “semen” sample…
“Hey. I just want to ask. Do any of us have the foggiest idea about what we’re doing with all this science-y stuff? No? Good. I was afraid it was just me.”
Cutting edge lab equipment?..17,000,000.00
Developing a rocket to the moon?..25,000,000,000.00
Sending Clark and his insufferably perfect hair on a one way trip to Mars?…Priceless
For everything else there’s MasterCard.
Dr. Bald uttered an excited cry and looked up from his microscope. “I just found Waldo!”
Dialogue for the Blonde Guy in the back:
“Excuse me Dr. Bald. Clark. I’ve brought the toasters you wanted.”
“Say Clark! You’re lookin’ mighty cute in that smock….”
“Gentlemen. I know you’ve been working night and day on this project. And I want to let you know I’ve been banging your wives while you did. So keep up the good work. Cos I know I will.”
“I know we’re all dedicated to crafting the perfect dildo. But come on men! You’ve got to take a break!”
“Comrades-er-Friends! It is I! Vlad-er-Vlad Jones! Your typical American co-worker! You should all take a break! Da! Go have brewskis and ogle the typical big breasted American women! Just leave all the top secret research documents with me for putting up!”
So remember Jack! Every time you ogle a pair of big breasts, a Commie makes it to the moon! Keep those eyes on the test tubes for good ol’ Uncle Sam!
Dang failed again, I want the secret formula for KFC Chicken but I keep coming up with the secret formula for Cherry Coke !
Next step — Zero Sugar Love Potion #9.
What? No Lemon-Lime?
What’s on the slide is looking back at you. He’s been looking at the same slide for hours now…
Quick! Do your best Michael Jackson!
I always feel like…somebody’s watching meeeeee!