Happy early Easter from magical bunny wrangler Mike Pascale and me!

Art by Luis Dominguez from the story “Reckless Romance” in FIRST KISS #30, 1963.
WOMAN (talking to Easter Bunny): You don’t lay eggs? Good! ‘Cause…I’m not an egg!
Bunny Artist & Easter Egg Colorist to Dye For: Mike Pascale
1963 Art Featuring Woman: Luis Dominguez Color: Allen Freeman
↓ Transcript
WOMAN (talking to Easter Bunny): You don’t lay eggs? Good! ‘Cause...I’m not an egg!
Bunny Artist & Easter Egg Colorist to Dye For: Mike Pascale
1963 Art Featuring Woman: Luis Dominguez Color: Allen Freeman
Bunny Artist & Easter Egg Colorist to Dye For: Mike Pascale
1963 Art Featuring Woman: Luis Dominguez Color: Allen Freeman
Jam, I’m using your dialogue for a comic I’ll be posting late Thursday next week. If you see this, write to me at info AT LastKissComics.com and I’ll give you a preview. Hope you see this.
Jams is a funny “one liner” writer. No doubt he writes longer form just as well. I admire his work. Looking forward to the comic.
The original above reminds me of a situation where I should have moved and changed my phone number. Of course I didn’t. Run Mike, run now! He won’t….