After not even getting the sniffles during the first three and a half years of the pandemic, I’ve now got Covid–for the second time in eight months. Both times were on trips in crowded situations. (First on a cruise in September and last week during a vacation in Las Vegas.)
While I’m doing much, much better now, I’m behind on deadlines so I’m re-running some Last Kiss gags while I catch up. I expect to be back with new gags in about a week.
Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “Playin’ It Cool” in First Kiss #12, Jan. 1960. Published by Charltong
Curious to see more? Click the link above to read the entire vintage comic book for free on
↓ Transcript
WOMAN: You're sick? Gosh! Don't you have better things to do in bed?
1960 Art: Vince Colletta New Color: Allen Freeman
Sick Sense of Humor: John Lustig
1960 Art: Vince Colletta New Color: Allen Freeman
Sick Sense of Humor: John Lustig
Suddenly, I felt better! Almost twice as nice as before!
Sorry to hear, man. Best wishes for a quick recovery!
Thanks. I’m doing better. Just really tired.
“Yes he was Wham, Bam, Thank You Ma-am, but he was good.”
Hope you get to feeling better John. Take care.
Thanks, Jams!
Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Thanks, Peter!
Enough of this being nice and supportive, time for some tough love!!
STOP GETTING SICK!!! Geez, do you HAVE to breathe ALL the time?!?!
And there…. problem solved. Carry on, everyone!
Right. No more breathing? Why didn’t I think of that before? 🙂
The mind willing but the flesh is week……
Sorry to hear that you’re under the weather. Please take care and get well soon! (But you do have a lovely place holder!)
Thanks, Kevin!