Seriously, please vote!
Many thanks to my frequent partner in hilarity Mike Pascale for coming up with the idea for today’s gag.
Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Jack Keller from the story “Thunder on the Tracks” in Teenage Hotrodders #7, May 1964. Published by Charlton.
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↓ Transcript
SCENE: A happy man smoking a cigar and another man who appears to be scared or in shock as he holds his hands up to his cheeks. Behind them is a gloomy, but colorful Halloweenish background.
HAPPY MAN: Halloween’s over. Nothing to be afraid of now.
SCARED MAN: Except the election!
CAPTION: Don’t be scared! Vote!
1964 Art: Jack Keller New Character Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Horrific Humor: Mike Pascale & John Lustig
HAPPY MAN: Halloween’s over. Nothing to be afraid of now.
SCARED MAN: Except the election!
CAPTION: Don’t be scared! Vote!
1964 Art: Jack Keller New Character Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Horrific Humor: Mike Pascale & John Lustig
I have already voted.
Good! Me too.
Boy pulls up to his girlfriends house in his super modified and exclaims, “Baby, I got a Hot Rod!”
Heard that at a Black Oak Arkansas concert on my first date with my first wife. She wouldn’t go out with me for several years after that experience. A four year headache.
Chicks, man….
Lots of shit went down for both of us in those years. Finally reconnected after I engaged in what can only be described as “extremely romantic anonymous stalking”.
I voted! Suck it, Trumpanistas!
Hate to say it, but this was the
first time I felt we really needed
as an option.
I have relatives who feel the same way. I challenge their basic assumptions as flawed in the sense that there is no concept of scale. (For lack of a better word that I can think of so early in the AM).
Sure, both candidates, and their respective political parties, are flawed. I think the flaws exhibited by one side are quite a bit more serious, more damaging.
I’ve hardly ever gotten to vote for the candidate for major political office that wasn’t a choice for the “lesser evil”. Same thing this year. Probably the same for the rest of my life. Still, gotta do what I can and vote.
Yeah, I really wish I had someone to vote FOR, instead of picking the worst of two non-great options and voting AGAINST them.
Maybe choose based on the number of felony convictions, cheated-on wives, stiffed contractors (but voters he’ll keep faith with, right?), expressed wishes to become a dictator, admiration for the head of a country that has nuclear weapons targeted on our country, number and type of lies, business bankruptcies, doesn’t understand how tariffs work (hint: they are fees paid by purchasers of goods in THIS country) (what a good choice for someone with major influence on the economy), who started with a fourth-grade vocabulary and appears to have gone senile, want to have sex with his daughter and publicly admires Mr. Palmer’s genitals…
Yeah, that’s voting against. I’d prefer to have someone with good qualities whom I could vote FOR.
And you forgot treason.
Well, since there won’t be another election, I guess that’s one worry off the books.
Don’t remember who said it, but the lesser of two evils is still LESS evil.