SCENE: Woman and man dancing.
WOMAN: No, I don’t think dancing leads to sex! But let’s save time and…skip the dancing!
1964 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Allen Freeman
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SCENE: Woman and man dancing.
WOMAN: No, I don’t think dancing leads to sex! But let’s save time and…skip the dancing!
1964 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Allen Freeman
WOMAN: No, I don’t think dancing leads to sex! But let’s save time and…skip the dancing!
1964 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Allen Freeman
“So, I had Roy to help me emerge into the world I lived in, the world Dad and I had avoided for so many years! And I found much that was good in it…
…like cannibalism!”
…like cross dressing and dancing with a guy who thinks I’m a blond nympho!”
…like penises! Wonderful, wonderful penises!”
…like mossy, orange clouds that float over head and rain down transparent bubbles that only I can see!”
…like staring at your dance partner’s forehead and wondering ‘Is that a zit? No. Maybe a really angry looking mole?'”
…like crushing your enemies. Seeing them driven before you. And hearing the lamentations of their women.”
…especially if somebody else is paying for it!”
Jams, I think the one that made me laugh hardest was “…like penises! Wonderful, wonderful penises!”
Nicely done–as always.
Helmet hair. I rmember helmet hair. Thankfully, most women grew out of it Now my wife uses hairspray to kill spiders.
Killing spiders is the best use for hairspray—ever!
I like her grasp of what’s important.
(“Grasp”. Get it?)