My thanks to my pal Mike Pascale for the gag that inspired this latest Last Kiss adventure.

Art attributed to Alice Kirkpatrick. ALL ROMANCES #2, 1949.
SCENE: Man and woman embracing.
WOMAN: I can’t wait
for our next death-defying adventure! What’s
next? Skinny
dipping with sharks? Bungee jumping into a volcano?
MAN: How
about if we just stay home…stop
worrying about Covid…and
invite our families
WOMAN: Too dangerous!
1949 Art: Alice Kirkpatrick Re-creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Gag: John Lustig & Mike Pascale
↓ Transcript
SCENE: Man and woman embracing.
WOMAN: I can’t wait
for our next death-defying adventure! What’s
next? Skinny
dipping with sharks? Bungee jumping into a volcano?
MAN: How
about if we just stay home...stop
worrying about Covid...and
invite our families
WOMAN: Too dangerous!
1949 Art: Alice Kirkpatrick Re-creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Gag: John Lustig & Mike Pascale
WOMAN: I can’t wait
for our next death-defying adventure! What’s
next? Skinny
dipping with sharks? Bungee jumping into a volcano?
MAN: How
about if we just stay home...stop
worrying about Covid...and
invite our families
WOMAN: Too dangerous!
1949 Art: Alice Kirkpatrick Re-creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Gag: John Lustig & Mike Pascale
As I gazed up into Lyle’s sweet, handsome face, I realized how much better our relationship was now that he was dead…
As I gazed up into Lyle’s sweet, handsome face, I knew nothing would ever come between us!
And then this giant ALL ROMANCES sign fell from the ceiling and crushed his skull in.
That trauma twisted me! And now I stalk the night, as….The Heart Bandit!
“Oh Lyle! No matter what happens, I want you to know I will always be here! Wearing no panties and grinding on your lap!”
“I know my sweet. And that’s why I love you.”
Tonight, on a very special Heart Bandit:
“Hey! You two can’t do that here!”
Their engagement might have been secret…but their sex was quite public!
“Heavens to Betsy! You can do that with an eggplant?!?”
Tonight’s Episode: PEEK A BOO…I SEX YOU!
Why yes, yes you CAN do that with an eggplant!