Printed Version of Original, Vintage Art & Dialog:

Art by Harry Lazarus from the story “Fate Is a Many-Armed Buddha!” in Adventures into the Unknown #66, Sept. 1955.
CAPTION: As billionaires go, Mannly Rich and his brother Vastly Rich aren’t complicated. They believe in simple solutions
…no matter how complex the problems! Of course, no problem is more complex than Covid 19! So…
SCENE, PANEL 1: Two men in suits (one wearing a yacht captain’s hat) are standing by a cannon.
Face masks? Social distancing? it’s absurd! I say we fight this virus the good, ol’ American way! We ignore it!
SCENE, PANEL 2: Man in yacht captain’s hat smiles as the cannon fires.
Right! And when that doesn’t work…We blow it to kingdom come!
CAPTION: Problem solved!
1955 Art: Harry Lazarus Art Cleanup & New Dialogue: John Lustig matter how complex the problems! Of course, no problem is more complex than Covid 19! So...
SCENE, PANEL 1: Two men in suits (one wearing a yacht captain's hat) are standing by a cannon.
Face masks? Social distancing? it’s absurd! I say we fight this virus the good, ol’ American way! We ignore it!
SCENE, PANEL 2: Man in yacht captain's hat smiles as the cannon fires.
Right! And when that doesn’t work...We blow it to kingdom come!
CAPTION: Problem solved!
1955 Art: Harry Lazarus Art Cleanup & New Dialogue: John Lustig
When I was being trained on naval weapons systems there was a brief course on gunnery. I don’t remember anything about blowing away viruses.
Having said that, I was assigned to a missile system, not a gun system. So maybe they covered that in the advanced gunnery course.
Full disclosure: I also wasn’t a billionaire. So maybe they cover blowing away a virus in billionaire class.