Longtime readers—with incredible memories—may recognize this comic as a modified version of one that I originally wrote for COMICS BUYER’S GUIDE way back in the ancient past before Last Kiss was a webcomic.

Inked by Dick Giordano in the story “My Foolish Heart” in FIRST KISS #21, 1961. Click image to enlarge.
CAPTION: “On the highway of romance, our love had been hit by a moving van of pain and boredom. And now it was just a matter of scraping up the disgusting roadkill that remained of our marriage!
And yet…”
PANEL ONE SCENE: A mother comforts her crying adult daughter.
DAUGHTER: Mom! I still love him! What can I do?
MOM: have you two ever tried reading comic books?
SCENE: The daughter opens the door to a smiling man.
CAPTION: It sounded crazy! But after reading our first Last Kiss, we were like newlyweds again!
MAN: Good news! I bought out the comic shop! We can read comics every night!
DAUGHTER: At last, we’ll have something to do in bed!
CAPTION: Comics: Cheaper than alimony…and a lot more fun!
Inked by Dick Giordano
First Kiss #21, 1961
And yet…"
PANEL ONE SCENE: A mother comforts her crying adult daughter.
DAUGHTER: Mom! I still love him! What can I do?
MOM: have you two ever tried reading comic books?
SCENE: The daughter opens the door to a smiling man.
CAPTION: It sounded crazy! But after reading our first Last Kiss, we were like newlyweds again!
MAN: Good news! I bought out the comic shop! We can read comics every night!
DAUGHTER: At last, we’ll have something to do in bed!
CAPTION: Comics: Cheaper than alimony…and a lot more fun!
Inked by Dick Giordano
First Kiss #21, 1961
Her: “Sometimes when I say ‘I’m Okay’, I need someone to look me in the eyes, hug me tight and say ‘I know you are not’.” (an Eeyore quote)
Him – breaking into song: “Always look on the bright side of life…
…and the only respite from the terrible anguish in my loins was the New York Giants Offensive Line
This series should be very interesting …
Thanks—somewhat belatedly—for the link, Dick. It sounds really interesting. If I ever get a chance to see this film, I’ll definitely check it out.