Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Vince Colletta Studio in the story “Made for Romance” in First Kiss #4, July 1958. Published by Charlton.
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↓ Transcript
CAPTION: Welcome to the Last Kiss Comic Exam! This test will determine if you’re a real comic fan or just a wannabe poseur! Ready? Okay, begin:
WOMAN: Which of the following is a sign you’re reading too many comic books?
A. You wear your underwear outside your clothes and announce that you’re a strange visitor from another planet! Everyone believes you--especially your mom!
B. You think rock stars dress too conservatively! Why don’t more of them wear capes and spandex?
C. You refuse to travel on Wednesdays because that’s when the new comic books arrive!
D. You cancelled delivery of your local newspaper because it doesn’t have enough comic strips. (And
it never arrives in mint condition!)
E. Your family can’t afford to eat because you spent all your money on a bronze, limited edition, extra busty bust of Power Girl!
ANSWER: None of the above! You can’t possibly read too many comics!
Who Done It:
Vince Colletta Studio
Allen Freeman
John Lustig
WOMAN: Which of the following is a sign you’re reading too many comic books?
A. You wear your underwear outside your clothes and announce that you’re a strange visitor from another planet! Everyone believes you--especially your mom!
B. You think rock stars dress too conservatively! Why don’t more of them wear capes and spandex?
C. You refuse to travel on Wednesdays because that’s when the new comic books arrive!
D. You cancelled delivery of your local newspaper because it doesn’t have enough comic strips. (And
it never arrives in mint condition!)
E. Your family can’t afford to eat because you spent all your money on a bronze, limited edition, extra busty bust of Power Girl!
ANSWER: None of the above! You can’t possibly read too many comics!
Who Done It:
Vince Colletta Studio
Allen Freeman
John Lustig
Wait…. what was that about Busty Power Girl?
Foster isn’t big! She’s barely the size of that guys hand!