I’ll admit Tony Isabella‘s gag in today’s comic made me laugh out loud. (I might have even giggled.)
Having spent much of my adult life working in the comic book biz, I’m not exactly a stranger to the tendency for comic artists to emphasize the way most super heroines fill out the top half of their costumes.
The most obvious example of this is Power Girl. According to comic book lore, Power Girl’s co-creator Wally Wood bet a studio mate that he could draw Power Girl with a bigger chest each issue and that editors at DC Comics would never notice or object. They didn’t.

Art by Charles Nicholas & Vince Alascia from the story “One Too Many Heartbreaks” in FIRST KISS #39, 1964.
SCENE: Woman talking to a male artist who is sitting and drawing at his drawing board.
WOMAN: Hey, mister, my eyes are up here!
ARTIST: Listen, babe, if I wanted to draw your eyes…I wouldn’t have become a comic-book artist!
1964 Art: Charles Nicholas & Vince Alascia Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira Guest Writer: Tony Isabella
Art by Charles Nicholas & Vince Alascia from the story “One Too Many Heartbreaks” in FIRST KISS #39, 1964.
WOMAN: Hey, mister, my eyes are up here!
ARTIST: Listen, babe, if I wanted to draw your eyes...I wouldn’t have become a comic-book artist!
1964 Art: Charles Nicholas & Vince Alascia Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira Guest Writer: Tony Isabella
Art by Charles Nicholas & Vince Alascia from the story "One Too Many Heartbreaks" in FIRST KISS #39, 1964.
“Well it’s very nice to meet you Mr. Let’s-Just-Say-I-Know-The-Score-Already. Is that an Estonian name?”
“You know Ann, when I squint really hard like this, you actually do look like a seven!”
“Let’s just say I know the score already, Ann. And you may have gotten seven, but I can give you twelve! Va Va Voom!”
“Let’s just say I know the score already, Ann…”
“Okay. I know the score already Ann.”
“Huh? Why’d you say that?”
“Well, because you told me to say it.”
“No. No. I was trying to say something cool.”
“Well why didn’t you just say ‘ice cream’ or ‘glacier’?”
“What? No. I was trying to pick you up.”
“But I didn’t fall down.”
“No. I mean I was trying to get you to sleep with me.”
“Well I don’t see how. We’re in a bowling alley. We’d never be able to nap with all the noise going on.”
“You know what Ann? I just wrote down a seven. I just wrote your score down here. It’s your turn again Ann. Go bowl. Okay? Just. Go. Bowl.”
I’ve gotta agree with PKM. Jams—yes, I’ve given in and won’t be calling you Jam anymore (unless I feel like it) that last one really cracked me up!
KULTHOOM! is now part of my vocabulary, to be used and overused.
My life is now complete.
Yes!!! KULTHOOM should be part of everyone’s vocabulary!
THIS! This is why LastKiss is my favorite. The back story, the Kulthoom, the Fine Jams comments, the (SNL) “Big American Breasts”, and the vintage & new original art. Also some great regular commenters on gocomics.
Gotta say that I’d watch a Superman and Power Girl movie if they made one. Especially if her breasts got bigger (gradually) throughout the movie.
Thanks. I feel the same way about having such enthusiastic (and witty) fans!
KULTHOOM! I used to have a neighbor lady named KULTHOOM!, KULTHOOM! THUNDERTHIGHS!. At least I think that’s what her name was… or maybe that’s just the sound she made on those rare occasions when she walked.
KULTHOOM! Isn’t that the name of a really bad heavy metal band?
I think KULTHOOM is an Ikea bookshelf.
A bookshelf? Possible. But wooden a chest be more appropriate?
Well, considering some of the guys I work with, it might more likely be the toilet in the back bathroom.
“Just. Go. Bowl.” … Jams, I almost pissed myself laughing reading that last one! Thank you for the much needed chuckle! You are indeed the master.