Behind the Scenes
Funny romance comic covers are rare. This one from 1956 was published without any dialogue. And it’s a great sight gag–even without dialogue.
But since this is Last Kiss I added text anyway to try and ramp up the joke. As often happens, I went through several rewrites before I was satisfied.
For the fun of it, here’s my first attempt at the gag (See below.) I thought it was too wordy and not quite twisted enough!
Original Vintage Art & Text

Pencils by Dick Giordano? Inks by Dick Giordano from the cover of Brides in Love #1, Aug. 1956. Published by Charlton Comics.
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↓ Transcript
SCENE: Bride and groom are leaving when her small luggage opens and we see a photo of another man spilling out.
GROOM: That’ best man!
BRIDE: Yours? Can’t we share him?
1956 Inks (& possibly pencils too): Dick Giordano
Picture Perfect: John Lustig
Brides in Love #1.0.Cropped
GROOM: That’ best man!
BRIDE: Yours? Can’t we share him?
1956 Inks (& possibly pencils too): Dick Giordano
Picture Perfect: John Lustig
Brides in Love #1.0.Cropped
Time to let stupidity work itself out of the gene pool.
Plot twist: That’s her brother.
Unfortunately the amount of intelligence in the universe is a constant, and the population is growing.
HA! I’m going to use that next chance I get. Thanks!
There is a task that needs to be done. Should take 30 seconds. You check the clock. It’s been an hour. You check the clock. It’s been two days. There is something you’re forgetting. You check. You check again. There is nothing you’re forgetting. You put on wedding dress, grab lingerie case, and out the door you go. Surprise! There was something you forgot.
Better hope that lingerie does the trick!
Well, interestingly, I see no wedding ring…
It is her, before her operation.