I’ll be posting a new Thanksgiving comic tomorrow. But today’s comic is a golden oldie from the ancient past—of 2014. Mike Pascale and I have teamed up on a lot of holiday gags over the years. This is one of my favorites.


Original Art & Dialogue

Artist Unknown. From the story “The Love that Failed” in FIRST KISS #25, 1962



SCENE: Pilgrim man talking to a Pilgrim woman who has her hand over her face in disbelief at what he’s saying.

PILGRIM MAN: But…you said to “grab a breast!”

PILGRIM WOMAN: I meant the turkey’s…not my sister’s!

1962 Artist Unknown Pilgrim Cosplay: Mike Pascale

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Pilgrim man talking to a Pilgrim woman who has her hand over her face in disbelief at what he's saying.

PILGRIM MAN: But...you said to "grab a breast!"

PILGRIM WOMAN: I meant the Turkey's...not my sister's!

1962 Artist Unknown Pilgrim Cosplay: Mike Pascale