Original Vintage Art & Text

Inks by Vince Colletta from the story “The Terrible Stranger” in Brides in Love #10, Nov. 1958. Charlton. Curious to see more? Click the link to read the entire vintage comic book.
SCENE: Nervous, afraid, sweating man wearing a suit.
MAN: But…I’m not stalking her! I’m her boyfriend! She just doesn’t know it yet!
1958 Inks: Vince Colletta Restoration & Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Booking Sergeant: John Lustig
↓ Transcript
SCENE: Nervous, afraid, sweating man wearing a suit.
MAN: But...I’m not stalking her! I'm her boyfriend! She just doesn't know it yet!
1958 Inks: Vince Colletta Restoration & Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Booking Sergeant: John Lustig
MAN: But...I’m not stalking her! I'm her boyfriend! She just doesn't know it yet!
1958 Inks: Vince Colletta Restoration & Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Booking Sergeant: John Lustig
Things she doesn’t have to do now that Unseen Guy knows about Healy:
Claim that the stains on her pantyhose were the result of a freak accident while whipping up a box of instant vanilla pudding.
Claim that the voice from the bedroom was just the TV in there being on too loud.
Deny that Mr. Potato Head is her lover.
Come up with a plausible explanation as to why all her panties smell like Old Spice.
Lie about why all of Unseen Guy’s jock straps keep disappearing, only to turn up days later in the porn theater’s lost and found.
Explain what smells like unwashed, week old gym socks. Cos…oh yeah…Healy’s here.
Announce who she’s voting for in the Town’s Cheesiest Mustache contest.
Just a couple of quick reactions to your hilarious comments, Jams:
Don’t all women (and most men) always deny that Mr. Potato Head is their lover?
When it comes to Cheesiest Mustache, I hope I get her vote!
“why all her panties smell like Old Spice.”
Could it be that Spice has a best-by date? Could it be that the Spice Girls aren’t girls any longer? Regardless, “the spice must flow,” as noted in the movie (and novel) “Dune.”