Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani from the story “One Stolen Kiss” in First Kiss #1, 1957. Published by Charlton.
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MAN (to woman): That gorgeous blonde in the red dress with the plunging neckline? Honest, I barely noticed her!
1957 Art: Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani Character Color: Dan McConnell
Plunging Punchlines: John Lustig
1957 Art: Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani Character Color: Dan McConnell
Plunging Punchlines: John Lustig
I never understood the getting mad because he looked. He is with you, not with her. If you could just pick a girl up by looking at them, the girl would never get off of her own street.
Realistically, I would have no chance with any woman that deserves to be looked at.
It doesn’t take much to distract…
On a different concern, is Jams OK?
Perhaps you need to fine tune your situational awareness?
Try mentally swapping places. She’s drooling over some guy who works out…
What’s the problem? it was just a quick glance.
You and me, both, bro..Gerry Fitzgerald
I was in a restaurant many years ago with my girlfriend. We were sitting there talking when I saw a flash of bright red pass by our table (and that’s ALL I saw). My girlfriend proceeded to give me hell about me looking at the (apparently) gorgeous woman who walked by. I never did see more than the flash of red.
Sitting in a pool, no contacts in because chlorine. I’m nearsighted. My smoking hot girlfriend (great body, anyway) in a suit that was basically damp lingerie was being hot and getting me “excited” when a woman across the pool gets out of the water. The motion got my attention, so I glanced over. I could barely see her, but of course the GF gets upset, jumps out, and leaves.
I had to stay in the pool and “cool off”. And since I didn’t immediately chase her…. oy…
It is Monday the 11th– did not get the email copy and when I came here it is not here, either– glitch in the system?
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