Original Vintage Art & Text

Artist unknown. From the story “Heartless” in New Romances #9, Jan. 1952. Published by Standard Comics. The story begins on Page 15.
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Someone doesn’t really understand the meaning of “cease and desist”, do they?
Gloria was nervous wreck without her B.O.B. That’s right! Her Battery Operated Boom!
Yes Ladies! B.O.B. is anywhere and everywhere you want to be! At home! At work! In the bathroom of the local pizzeria at 8:37 PM on a Tuesday night! B.O.B. is handy, willing, and best of all turned on at your convenience! Which isn’t much different from a real man when you think about it, but hey! We got a warehouse full of these things and we need to move ’em!
So don’t get frantic like Gloria! Get B.O.B.! Almost guaranteed not to regret it too much or none of your money back!
B.O.B.! It’s plastic!
“Gloria? Hi. My name’s Emily. I’m Bob’s Other Woman. I just wanted to call you so you could listen to Bob and I having sex. Is this a bad time?”
Co-Dependents Anonymous was less a 12 step support group and more like Tinder for the Neurotic.
I was Desperate when the harsh jangle of the phone brought me back to myself…
…unfortunately I was still there. So I hung up the phone and tried hiding again, but it was no use. No matter where I went, there I was. Being clingy.
Happy Friday
It will be a good day, thanks to both of you.
If my memory of the size of handsets like that are accurate then that is a “fun sized” woman. If she’s pregnant the last trimester will look like an olive strapped to a toothpick.
Is she holding the phone upside down?
I don’t see a cord coming out of the top. Unless it’s one of those newfangled cordless models, I’d say she’s okay.
Not my joke:
“My girlfriend told me she was pregnant, but I peed on the stick and got nothing!”
R.I.P. Ron Sexton, aka Donnie Baker, et al